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Jane Wiggins, Ph.D.

Director of the Campus Suicide Prevention Center of Virginia

James Madison University 



Danette Gibbs, Ph.D.

Director of Research and Strategic Planning

James Madison University 



The goal of the Campus Suicide Prevention Center of Virginia is to reduce risk for suicide on Virginia's college and university campuses. Specifically, we support the individuals and teams on each campus as they work to build the infrastructure necessary to promote wellness and safety for all students, identify and support those in distress, and effectively respond to individuals who are at risk for suicide.


Providing campuses with trainings, consultation, and prevention resources. Their website also has a lot of online resources surrounding suicide and social media, supporting students and building resilience, prevention plans, wellness education, support for faculty, peers, and parents, research, and project echo.

Who we primarily serve

College students in Virginia college and university campuses


We host adoption events in the community, fundraisers such as the kitten shower and Chick Fil A spirit night, outreach programs, volunteer organizations, and foster orientations. 

Unique Information

Please Note: The Campus Suicide Prevention Center of Virginia is not a crisis or emergency response center. If you or someone you know is in crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). In case of a life-threatening emergency, call 911.

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